Swim Lessons
Members may register for group swim lessons using the link sent via email or on the Members page. Swim lesson registration will begin on May 25, 2024.
Paint Rock offers complimentary group lessons with membership, as well as private and semi-private lessons for an additional fee. If you are an adult you may also purchase private or semi-private adult swim lessons!
Group lessons take place for 5 weeks from June 17 – July 27, 2024
NOTE: NO Group Lessons July 1st-July 5th
30-minute lessons, choose ONE of the following options depending on your child's skills:
Mon & Fri mornings or afternoons
Tues & Thurs mornings or afternoons
Saturday mornings
Please only sign up for ONE.
If you are enrolled in Swim Team, please do not enroll in group swim lessons.
Information that might help when you sign up your child

Your child must know all of the skills taught in a particular class to move up to the next class.
If you are uncertain, it is best to place your child in a less advanced class and let us move them up.
We group all children by skills they are learning rather than by specific levels; therefore, regardless of level, we may need to change your child to a different class time. If that happens, we will discuss the change with you and explain alternatives.
If you miss a lesson, or a lesson is cancelled due to inclement weather, there are no make-ups. You cannot attend other classes.
Members may hire Paint Rock Pool lifeguards to teach their children (or adults) 30-minute private swim lessons. Buy lesson coupons at the guardhouse and then contact any lifeguard on the Private Lesson Instructor List provided. We are happy to give recommendations to match guards with your child!
Private lesson coupons are $30 for each 30-minute lesson. You can also buy a pack of four 30-minute lesson coupons for $100.
Semi-private lessons are limited to 2-3 people. The cost of semi-private lessons is:
- 2 people: $40/30-minute lesson, Pack of 4: $144
- 3 people: $54/30-minute lesson, Pack of 4: $192 ($48 per lesson) -
Please make checks payable to Paint Rock Pool.
You can use the lesson coupons at any time; they do not expire.
A lifeguard will help you purchase lesson coupons.
When to schedule a lesson
We recommend scheduling a lesson during the pool's quiet hours so your child can get the most out of his or her lesson. The best times for private lessons are:
Weekend mornings
Weekdays 11am-2:30pm
Weekdays after 7:30pm
You may not take a private lesson during Swim Team practices or group swim lessons. You may not take a lesson in the lap lanes if an adult wants to use the lane (usually the busiest times are weekdays 9-11am and 4:30-7:30pm).
At the time of the lesson
After you have scheduled your lesson, meet the lifeguard at the guardhouse with your lesson coupon. The lifeguard will collect the lesson coupon at that time.
Email us.